ISANA stands for International Student Advisers Network of Australia. 2019 is the 30th year of ISANA conference. Bridging Translation is proud to be the session sponsor of this great event.
When ISANA initially established in 1989, it was named the Overseas Student Advisers’ Network (OSAN). Anne Skea was its founding president. It was founded in the purpose of supporting the needs of the growing number of international students enrolling at Australian Universities. With more than 600 members across all education sectors, we draw from a variety of professional groups including academic staff, marketing, recruitment and educational support specialists. It was formed as a special interest group of the Australian and New Zealand Student Services Association (ANZSSA), as a network of people in new roles of delivering support services to international students.
OSAN, later renamed the International Student Advisers’ Network of Australia, conducted conferences, and addressed issues of international student experiences in Australia, developing the framework of discussion that we continue today.

In 1997 members voted to become an incorporated association, with its own constitution. The current logo was designed by Suzanne Lim, and launched by the then President, Margaret Hill in November 1998. In 1999 the Association became ISANA: International Education Association, to reflect the broader roles its members have in the field, and currently represents professional staff working across Australia and New Zealand, which formed an ISANA branch in 2001.” (Ref: http://www.isana.org.au/)

Bridging Translation was established in 2014. Its founder, Jack Yang was an oversea student studying Master of Translating and Interpreting at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University). After the establishment, Bridging Translation started to provide quality language services including interpreting services and document translation services to different levels of Australian government organisations as well as local schools, companies and individuals. Its service range covers all states of Australia and all professional fields. As a top language provider, Bridging Translation’s translators and interpreters assisted millions of people in the Australian legal system, medical system, educational system and business field.

Its translators and interpreters play a crucial role in each system. Bridging Translation was engaged in Victoria-Jiangsu Business Roundtable Conference and successfully built up a bridge of communication at a governmental level. They also helped thousands of Chinese business owners to settle in Australia and Australian business to expand their Chinese market by providing commercial conference interpreting services and marketing material localization services.

Take legal system, for example, Bridging Translation provide police interview interpreting services at different police stations and ascot interpreter to accompany clients in court proceedings. Its NAATI certified translation is often be used in court as important evidence. If you are having a conference with your lawyer and English is not your first language. Bridging Translation is always at your back, helping you remove any language barriers.

Bridging Translation’s translators and interpreters are also working tirelessly in the Australian medical system. They have done a lot of medical history translation to help people from overseas come to Australia and see doctors. Their medical interpreters provide 100% accuracy in interpreting between patients and specialists to ensure the quality of their communication and treatment.

In the Australian educational system, Bridging Translation helps schools in Australia localise their overseas marketing materials in order to let oversea students have a better understanding of the school they are going to study at. Its translators also translate school letters and newspapers to keep oversea students’ parents informed of their children’s performance and what’s happening at school. In parent-teacher interviews and individual meeting with school board members, Bridging Translation’s interpreters ensure the effectiveness of the conversation and convey the correct meaning of one party to another.

Bridging Translation has been providing interpreting services to Chinese delegations which are visiting Australia. We are committed to providing high-quality interpreting and translating services. We aim at promoting the communication between government departments of all levels in China and Australia, and build up a communication bridge between the two countries in aspects of politics, education, economy, culture, finance and so on.