Family violence is destructive behaviour in an intimate relationship where one person tries to dominate and control the other.
Family violence is also sometimes referred to as domestic violence and can include a range of behaviours, including those below.
Physical abuse
- Hitting, punching, pulling by the hair, choking, pinching, pushing, stabbing or restraining you in any way (physical injuries are often directed at parts of the body that other people will not see).
- Using weapons to frighten you or causing damage to property.
- Not letting you sleep, eat, or take your medication.
Verbal abuse
- Harassing or threatening you.
- Saying things to frighten you, for example, telling you that the children will live with them if you leave.
- Calling you insulting names.
- Undermining you as a parent in front of the children.
Sexual abuse
- Forcing you to have sex when you don’t want to or making you engage in sexual practices you are not comfortable with.
- Making you wear clothes you are not comfortable with.
Emotional abuse
- Withdrawing from you and not giving you support.
- Controlling you through anger or not speaking to you.
- Expressing extreme jealousy.
- Not letting you use the phone or transport.
- Not giving you an opportunity to choose for yourself.
- Threatening to harm your pets.
Social abuse
- Putting you down in front of others.
- Lying to others about you.
- Isolating you from those people who do support you.
- Not letting you visit a doctor on your own.
- Controlling your life; not letting you have a life outside the home.
Financial abuse
- Controlling the money so you are dependent on them.
- Forcing you to sign for loans you might not agree with.
- Questioning you about every purchase you make.
Spiritual abuse
- Not letting you practise your own religion.
- Forcing you to follow a religion you don’t want to.
- Making constant phone calls and sending text messages, emails, faxes, letters or unwanted gifts to you.
- Loitering near your home or workplace.
- Spying on you or following you, including through the use of electronic means.
- 被推搡
- 被拳打和扇耳光。
- 被使用以下物品击打:棍棒、高尔夫棒、曲棍球棒、锤子和皮带。
- 被使用刀子或碎玻璃刺戳。
- 在身体遭受攻击时被塞住嘴巴以防止尖叫。
- 被吐口水和被撒尿。
- 被严重咬伤,头发被抓扯。
- 怀孕时被殴打和强奸,怀孕时被推下楼梯。
- 头被撞向墙壁和汽车仪表板。
- 被贬低
- 总是被批评
- 总是被使用技术手段进行控制和监视:包括电话使用情况被检查和记录;手机通话记录被检查,所有短信被阅读;施虐者使用间谍软件来阅读电子邮件并在家中偷偷安装摄像头。
- 施虐者威胁杀害女方、孩子、女方的家庭成员或他自己,内容包括具体的杀害方式和时间。
- 财产被破坏,包括汽车、家具、服装和房屋。
- 被使用不敬的语言称呼,包括称呼女方为”它”、”贱人”等。
- 被困住,因为施虐者拿走车钥匙、倒空汽车汽油,以及盗窃或砸坏电话使女方无法寻求帮助。
- 从不被允许独处;在家中的行踪被尾随;所有户外活动都被陪同。
- 被多次强奸和殴打;被强行脱光衣服并强奸;被告知与施虐者性交是她们的职责。
- 在孩子们面前被强奸。
- 在身体特别虚弱时(例如刚分娩后)被强奸。
- 性堕落,包括强行使用露骨的色情图片和照片。
- 家庭财物被控制
- 不被允许拥有独立的收入
- 必须解释所有购买的理由,包括提供收据、解释所有开支的理由。
- 未被允许购买诸如卫生棉塞和卫生巾等个人物品。
- 女方的所有银行卡都被拿走,联名账户被清空。
- 子女赡养费用得不到支付或得不到定期支付。
- 在支票上伪造女方签名。
- 女方不愿意发生性行为时,被扣款。
- 女方和孩子的食品费用以及家庭日常费用得不到支付。
- 利用经济不景气,为经济虐待行为辩护。
Edit: Bridging Translation